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We offer excellent quality Chinese calligraphy / painting black ink and ink sticks:
Chinese Calligraphy Ink: Buy a bottle of Chinese calligraphy ink, it may be used for writing calligraphy or watercolor painting.
Chinese Calligraphy / Painting Ink Sticks: Chinese ink sticks are a type of solid ink used traditionally for Chinese calligraphy and Chinese brush painting. Chinese ink sticks have been used for thousands of years. Chinese ink sticks are made mainly of soot and glue, sometimes with scents added. To make ink from the ink stick, it has to be ground against the moistened ink stone surface in a circular manner. Depending on the desire for color intensity, the artist will dip the brush upon different areas of the stone. The more water, the less intense the color of the black ink. Wipe it clean and let it air dry after each use. Always store it in a dry place and avoid direct sunlight and draft.
Please click on the Chinese calligraphy ink and ink scticks below for detailed information.
Chinese Calligraphy > Chinese Calligraphy - Ready for Framing | Chinese Calligraphy Scrolls | Chinese Calligraphy Framed Art | Chinese Calligraphy Tools & Supplies | Chinese Calligraphy Wall Plaques | Chinese Calligraphy - Name Translation | Customized Chinese Calligraphy | Chinese Seal Carving - Seal Stones / Custom Seal Carving & Red Ink Pads | Chinese Seal Carving - Seal Stamps | Chinese Wall Decor - Framed Art | Chinese Calligraphy Wall Decor | Learn Chinese Calligraphy - VCDs | Blank Chinese Calligraphy Wall Scrolls | Chinese Calligraphy Mounting Services | Chinese Calligraphy - Wholesale | Chinese Seal Carving Tools & Supplies | Custom Framing | Chinese Paintings
We are proud to offer you the unique Chinese brush calligraphy paintings and professional custom calligraphy services including:
* Customized Chinese Calligraphy services: We offer Chinese name translation, personalized Chinese calligraphy artwork or custom Chinese calligraphy scrolls.
* Traditional Chinese Calligraphy Art: We offer calligraphy paintings ready for framing: zodiac symbols, meaningful words, wall scrolls, framed Chinese calligraphy, wall plaques, and calligraphy wall decor.
* Chinese Seal Carving: We offer custom seal carving, Chinese seal stamps, and collectible Chinese seal stones.
* Chinese Calligraphy and seal carving tools and supplies: we offer calligraphy sets, calligraphy brushes, rice paper, ink, red inkpad with box, seal carving tools, hand-made brocade boxes for seal stones, learn Chinese calligraphy vcds.
* Professional Chinese art mounting services and custom framing.
* Traditional Chinese Paintings.